Who is the father of razia sultan
Who is the father of razia sultan

This situation became worse, when the Turkic-origin slave officers close to Ruknuddin planned killings of the sultanate's Tazik (non-Turkic) officers.

who is the father of razia sultan

The duo's blinding and execution of Iltutmish's popular son Qutubuddin, combined with Shah Turkan's high-handedness, led to rebellions by several nobles, and even the wazir (prime minister) Nizamul Mulk Junaidi joined the rebels. Ruknuddin was not an able ruler, and left the control of administration to his mother Shah Turkan. Minhaj is the only near-contemporary source that narrates this legend, and he did not witness the events or the alleged decree himself: he was in Gwalior at the time, and did not return to Delhi until 1238. Another possibility is that the legend of Iltutmish nominating Razia as his successor is a false story circulated by Razia's supporters after her ascension. This is suggested by the fact that after becoming seriously ill, he had recalled Ruknuddin from Lahore to Delhi. However, after Iltutmish's death, the nobles appointed his son Ruknuddin Firuz as the new king.It is suggested that during his last years, Iltutmish had agreed to appoint a son as his successor.

who is the father of razia sultan

When his nobles questioned this decision on the basis that he had surviving sons, Iltutmish replied that Razia was more capable than his sons. Iltutmish ordered his officer mushrif-i mamlakat Tajul Mulk Mahmud Dabir to prepare a decree naming Razia as the heir apparent.

who is the father of razia sultan

Razia performed her duties so well that after returning to Delhi, Iltutmish decided to name her as his successor. While leaving for his Gwalior campaign in 1231, Iltutmish left his daughter Razia as in-charge of Delhi's administration. According to historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, Iltutmish believed that his other sons were absorbed in pleasurable activities, and would be incapable of managing the state affairs after his death. Iltutmish had groomed his eldest son Nasiruddin Mahmud to be his successor, but this son died unexpectedly in 1229. Razia was the eldest daughter of Iltutmish, and probably his first-born child. Razia's mother – Turkan Khatun was a daughter of Qutb al-Din Aibak, and the chief wife of Iltutmish. Razia was born to the Delhi Sultan Shamsuddin Iltutmish, a Turkic slave ( mamluk) of his predecessor Qutb al-Din Aibak. The Sanskrit-language inscriptions of the Sultanate call her Jallaladina, while near-contemporary historian Minhaj calls her Sultan Raziyat al-Duniya wa'l Din bint al-Sultan. Razia's own coins call her Sultan Jalalat al-Duniya wal-Din or as al-Sultan al-Muazzam Raziyat al-Din bint al-Sultan. The term "Sultana", used by some modern writers, is a misnomer as it means "the king's wife" rather than "female ruler". Razia's name is also transliterated as Raḍiyya or Raziyya. She married one of the rebels – Ikhtiyaruddin Altunia – and attempted to regain the throne, but was defeated by her half-brother and successor Muizuddin Bahram in October that year, and was killed shortly after. She was deposed by a group of nobles in April 1240, after having ruled for less than four years.

who is the father of razia sultan

This, combined with her appointments of non-Turkic officers to important posts, led to their resentment against her. The Turkic nobles who supported her expected her to be a figurehead, but she increasingly asserted her power. Razia's ascension was challenged by a section of nobles, some of whom ultimately joined her, while the others were defeated. During a rebellion against Ruknuddin, Razia instigated the general public against Shah Turkan, and ascended the throne after Ruknuddin was deposed in 1236. Iltutmish was succeeded by Razia's half-brother Ruknuddin Firoz Shah, whose mother Shah Turkan planned to execute her. According to a possibly apocryphal legend, impressed by her performance during this period, Iltutmish nominated Razia as his heir apparent after returning to Delhi. She was the first female Muslim ruler of the subcontinent, and the only female Muslim ruler of Delhi.Ī daughter of Mamluk Sultan Shamsuddin Iltutmish, Razia administered Delhi during 1231–1232 when her father was busy in the Gwalior campaign. Sultan Raziyyat-Ud-Dunya Wa Ud-Din (died 15 October 1240, r. 1236–1240), popularly known as Razia Sultana, was a ruler of the Delhi Sultanate in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent.

Who is the father of razia sultan